PLEASE NOTE: Sched is great for tracking your weekend, but please do not use Sched to RSVP for workshops (in yellow)! You must use our official RSVP, found here:
http://www.digitalfamilysummit.com/rsvp2013/. Thanks!

Nakia Kelley

Nakia Kelley is an entrepreneur, speaker, blogger, mom, and woman of faith. She has a lot of experience in an extremely diverse range of businesses -- everything from construction to accounting. She is a Mom to two children with special needs, a 16 year old with Cerebral Palsy who is now a entrepreneur herself, and a 10 year old boy with Aspergers who races dirt bikes. If you didn't already think she is completely insane, you should know that they are both homeschooled and Nakia travels all over the country while she encourages her kids to explore their passions and use the world as their classroom. She's all about overcoming obstacles and making it happen no matter what and that's exactly what she teaches her kids as they take on the world, which she says is her favorite project yet.

twitter: @nakiasideas
website: http://www.myutoria.com

My Speakers Sessions

Saturday, October 12

3:30pm EDT