PLEASE NOTE: Sched is great for tracking your weekend, but please do not use Sched to RSVP for workshops (in yellow)! You must use our official RSVP, found here:
http://www.digitalfamilysummit.com/rsvp2013/. Thanks!
avatar for Brian Alspach

Brian Alspach

Brian Alspach is Executive Vice President at E-Line Media, a publisher of game-based learning products and services that engage, educate and empower, helping to prepare youth for lives and careers in the 21st Century. He leads E-Line’s youth gamemaking efforts including Gamestar Mechanic – an online platform that teaches game design and has been used by over 400,000 youth in over 5,000 schools – and the National STEM Video Game Challenge – a multi-year competition that encourages young people to design video games to build a motivation for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

twitter: @gamestarmech
twitter: @brialsp
website: http://www.gamestarmechanic.com 

My Speakers Sessions

Saturday, October 12

10:15am EDT